Docklight 2 0 Seriale

Docklight 2 0 Seriale Average ratng: 4,0/5 9522 reviews

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Docklight is a testing, analysis and simulation tool for serial communication protocols (RS232, RS485/422 and others). It allows you to monitor the communication between two serial devices or to test the serial communication of a single device.

Docklight is easy to use and runs on almost any standard PC using Windows Vista/XP/2000/NT 4/98 operating system. Docklight can send out user-defined sequences according to the protocol used and It can react to incoming sequences. This makes It possible to simulate the behaviour of a serial communication device, which is particularly useful for generating test conditions that are hard to reproduce with the original device (e.g. Problem conditions). Docklight will work with the COM communication ports provided by your operating system. Physically, these ports will be RS232 SUB D9 interfaces in many cases.


Logging and processing RS485 2-wire-bus (half duplex) data A plain RS485 bus log does not reveal which node sent the data. By defining the basic application protocol structure via two data sequence triggers ('Receive Sequence'), you can use Docklight to separate the answers of the bus members, here a motor and a PLC.

However, It is also possible to use Docklight for other communication standards such as RS485 and RS422, which have a different electrical design to RS232 but follow the RS232 communication mechanism. Docklight has also been successfully tested with many popular USB-to-RS232 converters, virtual null modem software drivers, and many other Embedded Development tools that appear as a virtual COM port in Windows.

One reason for not working as expected is: • You are processing the answer as soon as one byte has appeared in the receive buffer. There is a related example in the Docklight Application Note - check the code listing on page 5.

It makes use of the Arduino to collect the incoming telegram byte-per-byte. Only after receiving the end of telegram mark (here: a line feed ' n' character), it sets a flag that tells the code in the main loop() to do something with the accumulated data telegram. The SerialEvent approach used in the Docklight exampleis not a must. You can solve this inside loop() alone, too. But you certainly need to change the while(RS232Serial.available() 0) { parts to something that will wait until a full telegram has been received (or a timeout has occurred). Now what irritates me still is that you write you sometimes receive '0FF' even though you never send it from Docklight. This could indicate still a second problem on the actual RS232 communication, but it's hard to guess without extra information.

But re-working the telegram receiving part as described above should already make things much clearer and then the source of the '0FF' is probably more obvious.