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It's nice to finally see ebooks going mainstream. By mainstream, I mean that my Mom bought a with minimal angst and gnashing of teeth. I've been reading ebooks since my first Apple Newton and I. Finally for my birthday in 2008, so come January I'll have had a Kindle as a part of my life for four years. Even more, I haven't purchased a physical book in that time. In fact, I actually spend more time in my local libraries now than I did before the kindle. My library is the place where I get dead tree books.

Ironically, my local library just announced their ebook lending program. Interesting Historical Aside: I did architectural consulting with netLibrary around 1999. They were a totally-ahead-of-their-time e-book company. They scanned thousands of ebooks in anticipation of the coming ebook revolution. It's tragic they were at least a half decade if not a full decade. They are gone now. According to the (yes, they have their own social network!

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You and I ) I've purchased 141 books since I got my Kindle and read 90 of them. It doesn't see books that you copied to your Kindle from free websites, so that's maybe another dozen or so. I'm in the middle of reading 5 books right now. The Kindle keeps my current page sync'd between any other devices I may choose to read on. A few pages on the iPhone, a few on the PC, then back to the Kindle. I read before, but never so much as when I got a Kindle? Why the change?

It's effortless to get books. The Kindle is literally a one-click link between my wallet and Jeff Bezo's bank account. I see a book and click, I'm reading it. You might think that gets expensive, but for every $8.99 book I get (which is not a lot) there's a lot of really good books I grab under $5 and some for free or 99 cents. Well, three years later. That's less than two copies of.

It's the reading, stupid. It doesn't matter if you read from paper or from an electronic screen. The words make it into your head all the the same. Here's a passage from the, emphasis mine. The study was conducted after readers in Germany became skeptical about reading from electronic devices like ereaders and tablet PCs compared to traditional printed books. Participants in the study read a variety of texts with different levels of understanding on an Amazon Kindle 3, Apple and in print. Their reading behaviors and brain activity were examined using an EEG machine and eye tracking tools.

The study proved that reading from an electronic device instead of print has no negative effects, contradicting the misconception from German readers. Everywhere I go I take my Kindle with me. And everywhere I go I end up meeting someone who says what all non-Kindle owners say 'I just like the tactile experience.the feel of the paper.'

At this point I ask them if they've ever read a book on a Kindle or used an ereader. Most never have. They're just down on the idea of change. I get that, and I too, mourn the end of the physical book. But at the same time I, for one, welcome our new e-ink overlords.

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I issue them the same challenge I'll issue you, Dear Reader. Read one book on a Kindle or small e-ink device. Just one, cover to virtual cover. I'm confident that most folks will never go back. I realize there are advantages to reading from paper just as there are advantages to using photographic film over digital cameras, but they are few and they don't outweigh the overwhelming advantages of a small e-reader. Some folks swear by iPad or other illuminated LCD reading, but I believe those screens cause eye fatigue.